Accredited Institutions

Accredited Institutions RCO Accredited Institutions

Through its Institutional Accreditation Programme the RCO validates and supports courses and tuition at its accredited institutions.

The accreditation programme has been developed to help the College and like-minded institutions to share ideas and approaches to teaching and learning so that high standards in organ playing and choral direction can be maintained.

Accreditation is the formal aspect of a wider partnership between the College and the institutions.

For its part, the College commits to engaging positively in arranging or helping to arrange where possible events, activities, on-site Certificate of Accredited Membership (CAM) examining and other tailored support for organ tuition and choral direction in the institution.

In turn, the institution is expected to encourage engagement with the College, via Affiliate Student memberships, CAM and diploma accreditation, and through participation in events.

Click here for more information on becoming an RCO Accredited Institution.

Current RCO Accredited Institutions are:

Bolton School, Bolton visit website

Cheltenham Ladies' College, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire visit website

City of London School, London visit website

Eton College, Windsor, Berkshire visit website

Junior Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester visit website

King Edward's Witley, Godalming, Surrey visit website

Manchester Grammar School, Manchester visit website

Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood, Middlesex visit website

Norwich School, Norwich, Norfolk visit website

Radley College, Abingdon, Oxfordshire visit website

Royal Hospital School, Ipswich, Suffolk visit website

Rugby School, Rugby, Warwickshire visit website

St Edward's School, Oxford, Oxfordshire visit website

The Blue Coat School, Liverpool visit website

Uppingham School, Uppingham, Rutland visit website

Young Organ Scholars' Trust (YOST), Windsor, Berkshire visit website