
RCO Creative Partners

The Royal College of Organists carries out its work in partnership with organisations throughout the music and education sectors.

We gratefully acknowledge the support and partnershp of the following organisations:

American Guild of Organists - www.agohq.org

Assistant Cathedral Organists' Association - www.aco.org.uk

British Institute of Organ Studies - www.bios.org.uk

Cathedral Music Trust - www.cathedralmusictrust.org.uk

Cathedral Organists' Association - click for details

City of London Organ Society - www.londonorgan.org

City of London School - www.cityoflondonschool.org.uk

Fugue State Films - www.fuguestatefilms.co.uk

Halifax Organ Academy - www.halifaxorgansociety.com

Incorporated Association of Organists - www.iao.org.uk

Thames Chamber Choir - www.thameschamberchoir.com

Musicians' Union - www.musiciansunion.org.uk

National Pipe Organ Register - www.npor.org.uk

Royal Birmingham Conservatoire - www.bcu.ac.uk/conservatoire

Royal Canadian College of Organists - www.rcco.ca

Royal School of Church Music - www.rscm.org.uk

Scottish Churches Organist Training Scheme - www.rco.org.uk/SCOTS

Society of Women Organists - www.societyofwomenorganists.co.uk

Stonyhurst College - www.stonyhurst.ac.uk

United Grand Lodge of England - www.ugle.org.uk

Viscount Classical Organs - www.viscountorgan.net