Your RCO event details can be found below.
Please note that the 24-hour clock is used on all event listings, with all times being GMT/BST. To book courses and classes, please follow the Book Online link wherever you see it, and email or call 020 3865 6998 with any queries. Where events are free or not bookable online, please follow the instructions for that event.
The last of three linked classes in Norfolk this autumn taught by RCO Regional Consultant Julian Haggett will give you the tools to project your playing.
Looking for that gold standard in your playing? This study morning will offer advice and ideas on how to project your playing and communicate with your audience. From practice techniques through to dealing with performance anxiety. There are places for just six players, with observer places now available.
What to prepare
Any organ music which you can play confidently
Choose to attend just this class or either or both of the other two:
25 September 10:00–13:00, Hllington and Wolferton: The Perfect (Re)-Starter Kit. Click here for details.
30 October 10:00–13:00, St Cuthbert's Church, Thetford: Easing Back into Service Playing. Click here for details.
Covid safety arrangements
Click here to download information about the procedures we have in place to make the event as Covid-secure as possible.
Fee: RCO Members £46; Non-members £55
For RCO courses and classes, the following key is used as a guide to level and suitability:
Beginner (Grades 1-4)
Intermediate (Grades 4-6)
Advanced (Grades 6-8 / CRCO)
Diploma 1 (CRCO–ARCO)
Diploma 2 (ARCO–FRCO)