
RCO Events, Courses & Classes | Listings

Your RCO event details can be found below.

Please note that the 24-hour clock is used on all event listings, with all times being GMT/BST. To book courses and classes, please follow the Book Online link wherever you see it, and email or call 020 3865 6998 with any queries. Where events are free or not bookable online, please follow the instructions for that event.

RCO Summer Course for Organists

Monday 28th July 2025 (14:00) – Saturday 2nd August 2025 (12:30)

Directed by Drew Cantrill-Fenwick, the RCO's famous Summer Course is an unmissable week for organists, whether beginner, early stage, intermediate or advanced; whether or not preparing for grade or diploma examinations or auditions; and whether a church organist or leisure player. We welcome all ages, though under 18s must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Full details and booking are now available at the Course's dedicated website Click here to visit the site. Read on to get a flavour of what to expect.

The course runs from c. 13:00 on Monday 28 July and ends c. 12:00 on Saturday 2 August. It is based at St Giles Cripplegate Church in London's Barbican with its three pipe organs, and additionally uses a further 20+ pipe organs across Central London. Organ Explorers, a new strand for teenagers new to the organ, both those without any prior experience of playing piano/keyboard and those who play up to c. grade 3 standard, will run on Thursdsay 31 July, Friday 1 August and the morning of Saturday 2 August.

We do not provide accommodation but instead make suggestions to explore. Course members often find that there are several other organists staying in the same accommodation. 

Daily tuition pattern Tuesday - Friday for the 2024 course (there were special whole- course programmes for the first and last days)
09:15–11:15 Organ Studios - tuition in graded groups from the same teacher in the same venue (as far as possible). ABRSM grades and RCO Diplomas are given as an indication of level. You do not have to have taken or be preparing for one of these examinations in order to participate. Here is the Studio programme for 2024. A different area of repertoire was explored each day.

11:45–13:00 Skills Classes - 2024 course attenders chose from keyboard musicianship, improvisation, or church music skills, with tuition in graded groups for each. 

14:00–16:00 Workshops - teacher-led sessions with a different topic each day - or individual lessons and practice. Workshop topics for 2024 were: The Art of Registration; Choral Directing; Plainchant Accompaniment; and Performance Anxiety. 
16:30-18:00 Daily services played and sung by course participants, or individual lessons and practice. Participation as a singer or player is optional.
20:00-21:00 Student concerts - your chance to perform to fellow course members, if you wish.

Click here to email events [@] with any questions.



For RCO courses and classes, the following key is used as a guide to level and suitability:
Beginner (Grades 1-4)
Intermediate (Grades 4-6)
(Grades 6-8 / CRCO)
Diploma 1
Diploma 2

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