Learning During Lockdown & iRCO access: update
As part of our response to the start of the UK Covid-19 lockdown, the College fully opened the iRCO content hub to all, making hundreds of films, sound recordings, publications, papers, articles and other resources freely available to guest users as well as RCO members.
As the lockdown starts to ease, that three-month offer is coming to an end and iRCO will revert to its normal access arrangements from Wednesday 1 July.
This means that while guest users will retain access to selected iRCO features including the StopPress blog, the majority of videos, articles and other learning content will no longer be available free of charge.
We are pleased to be able to announce a number of transitionary arrangements:
1. As before, guests will be able purchase access to individual pieces of content they wish to view.
2. For anyone wanting to retain full and total access to iRCO, we will be emailing iRCO guest users in the next few days with a special offer on taking out a full membership of the College.
3. In order to continue the provision of free learning opportunities as the pandemic situation continues to evolve around the world, all of the iRCO learning content referenced in the latest Learning During Lockdown article will be accessible to guest iRCO users free of charge throughout that month.
The College’s new webinar series also continues to be offered free of charge to those who wish to attend. See
www.rco.org.uk/events/webinars-topics-and-dates for dates and details.