
RCO Events, Courses & Classes | Listings

Your RCO event details can be found below.

Please note that the 24-hour clock is used on all event listings, with all times being GMT/BST. To book courses and classes, please follow the Book Online link wherever you see it, and email or call 020 3865 6998 with any queries. Where events are free or not bookable online, please follow the instructions for that event.

Saturday 14th June 2025 (11:00 – 14:00)

Polish Your ARCO and FRCO pieces

St Marylebone Church, Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LT

An opportunity to practice performing and receive coaching on a piece from the ARCO or FRCO lists with RCO Accredited Teacher Richard Brasier using the fine three-manual and pedal mechanical action Rieger organ at St Marylebone Church. This class is ideal both for those who are entered for the summer examination session and for those whose sights are set further ahead. Observer places will be made available once four playing places have been booked.

What to prepare
The class is limited to six players who will each have 25 minutes playing time, allowing for the performance of one or possibly two short pieces each from the ARCO or FRCO lists. Prepare at least one piece to performance level, ideally two or three. We will contact those booked to play near the time of the class asking them to list their chosen pieces in order of preference so that a varied programme can be assembled for the class. Click here to see the ARCO pieces and here for the FRCO pieces.

The venue
St Marylebone Church is conveniently situated close to Baker Street and Euston Stations and is easily reached by public transport. Click here for travel information.

The organ
Click here
for the specification of the recently refurbished 1987 Rieger organ.




Fee: RCO Member £72; Non-members £85.

Book online


For RCO courses and classes, the following key is used as a guide to level and suitability:
Beginner (Grades 1-4)
Intermediate (Grades 4-6)
(Grades 6-8 / CRCO)
Diploma 1
Diploma 2

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