
RCO Events, Courses & Classes | Listings

Your RCO event details can be found below.

Please note that the 24-hour clock is used on all event listings, with all times being GMT/BST. To book courses and classes, please follow the Book Online link wherever you see it, and email or call 020 3865 6998 with any queries. Where events are free or not bookable online, please follow the instructions for that event.

Study trip to Belgium

Monday 9th June 2025 (09:00) – Wednesday 11th June 2025 (20:00)

Belgium has a rich but sometimes overlooked history of organ building, with its own unique voice but also, thanks to its geographical position, drawing on French, Dutch and Germanic influences. Since the Middle Ages, Belgian organs have played an important role in the country's musical heritage, serving both liturgical and secular purposes. They have inspired many famous composers and organ builders who have contributed to the rich tapestry of European organ music.

Organist, scholar and teacher Richard Brasier has again created a compelling itinerary which will appeal equally to those wishing to join as players and those attending as observers. There is a priority booking period for RCO members until 15 January

Click here to download the full itinerary as a pdf. This includes links to organ specifications and details of repertoire for players to prepare for each instrument. Additional information about accommodation suggestions will be emailed to those who book.

Venues, organs and organists
Notre-Dame au Sablon, Brussells (Jean-Baptiste Bernabé Goynaut 1763 / Georg Westenfelder 1989), with Benoît Mernier
Couvent Saint Dominique - Dominicains de Bruxelles (Adrien & Salomon Van Bever 1910), with Michel Goossens
Sint Romboutskathedraal, Mechelen (Jos Stevens 1958), with Peter Pieters
Sint-Jan-De-Doperkerk, Leuven (Peter Goltfusz 1692), with Takako Yanagihara
Jezuïetenhuis Heverlee, Leuven (Aristide Cavaillé-Coll 1880), with Takako Yanagihara
Onze Lieve Vrouwekathedraal, Antwerp, (Pierre Schyven 1891), with Peter Van De Velde 
Sint Niklaaskerk, Ghent (Flentrop 1973), with Paul De Maeyer
Sint-Stefanuskerk (Augustijnenkerk), Ghent, (Jean Philippe Forrest 1873), with Paul de Maeyer
Sint Michiels & Sint Goedelekathedraal, Brussells, (Gerhard Grenzing (2000), with Xavier Deprez

We welcome applications for bursaries in support of the attendance fees. Please click here for further details and to download an application form. The relevant deadlines for receipt of completed forms are 1 February and 1 May. Please aim for the earlier date or as soon as possible thereafter. Those applying for a bursary should pay the deposit only. All others are asked to pay the fee in full at the time of booking.

Please click here to email events[@] with any questions.

Fees include admission to all churches and tuition, but exclude travel, accommodation and meals. Please see the itinerary for details about these matters. Those applying for a bursary should pay the deposit only. All others are asked to pay the fee in full at the time of booking.


Fee: RCO member (player) £365; Non-member (player) £415; RCO member (observer) £240; Non-member (oberver) £290.

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For RCO courses and classes, the following key is used as a guide to level and suitability:
Beginner (Grades 1-4)
Intermediate (Grades 4-6)
(Grades 6-8 / CRCO)
Diploma 1
Diploma 2

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